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Shifu's Green Landscape Map

$ 900

This green landscape Chinese landscape painting shows a beautiful and charming natural scene. The picture is full of ink charm and vitality.

In the distance, the mountains are stacked and shrouded in faint smoke, creating a mysterious and peaceful atmosphere.

In the foreground, there are hanging willow branches, swaying in the wind, showing the tranquility of nature.

The lake is calm and wave-free, reflecting the surrounding mountains and trees, forming a harmonious picture of reality and reality. The overall color is mainly green, dotted with a few patches of red, giving people a fresh, natural, peaceful and peaceful feeling.

This painting uses simple and powerful brushstrokes and ink color changes to show the unique oriental landscape aesthetics and condense rich cultural connotations. This work vividly depicts the beautiful scenery of China's mountains and rivers, which is fascinating and intoxicating.

classification: Chinese painting

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