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Total: $ 75.00


contact information


微信、邮件、Whatsapp. details

Payment method


WeChat, Alipay, Paypal.

quality assurance


All of our products are original creations by artists, and each product is unique. Regarding the creative process of the work, please follow our blog and I will update it from time to time.

Transportation time


7 days in China, 7-20 days in Europe, 7-20 days in the United States, 7-15 days in Japan, 7-20 days in Southeast Asia, and 10-30 days in other regions.

User privacy


We will not proactively collect any user information.

Packaging method


The product does not include a frame by default. What you see is what you get. If you need a frame, please add it (including framing service) to your shopping cart and purchase it together. The common packaging methods are waterproof document bags (rice paper), wooden boxes (sculptures, oil paintings, and other non foldable goods). The picture frame cannot be purchased separately and is a complimentary benefit.

Express delivery method


China post,全球覆盖,如果您选择的商品价格超过3000美金(单次运输),我们将免费赠送邮费,您不需要再支付邮费。

Paper specifications


Common size specifications for oil paintings

  • Oil painting height 80 centimeters width 112 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 112 centimeters width 158 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 78 centimeters width 108 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 128 cm, width 168 cm
  • Oil painting height 58 centimeters width 78 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 76 centimeters width 106 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 78 centimeters width 138 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 80 centimeters width 68 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 78 centimeters width 118 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 72 centimeters width 102 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 66 centimeters width 156 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 108 centimeters width 78 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 92 centimeters, width 168 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 52 centimeters width 78 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 76 centimeters width 108 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 68 centimeters width 82 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 86 centimeters width 76 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 86 centimeters width 128 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 80 centimeters width 128 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 48 centimeters width 68 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 128 centimeters, width 88 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 80 centimeters, width 106 centimeters
  • Oil painting height of 108 centimeters, competition degree of 88 centimeters
  • Oil painting height 72 centimeters width 96 centimeters

Common size specifications for Chinese calligraphy and painting works

Sketch 33cm x 33cm 1 square foot

Sketch 45cm x 33cm 1.4 square feet

Three feet wide open:100cm x 50cm (standard three feet)

Three feet larger:100cm x 70cm (standard three foot length remains unchanged, width is two feet)

Three foot extension:136cm x 50cm

Three foot single bar (vertical axis):100cm x 25cm (standard three foot length remains unchanged, width 1/2)

Three foot couplet:100cm x 25cm (standard three foot length remains unchanged, degree 1/2)

Three foot square:50cm x 50cm (standard three foot rice paper length of 1/2, with no change in competition)

Four feet wide open:138cm x 69cm (standard four feet)

Four foot horizontal batch:138cm x 69cm (standard four feet)

Four foot single bar (vertical axis, opposite banner):138cm x 34cm (standard four foot rice paper length remains unchanged, width 1/2)

Four foot couplet:138cm x 34cm (standard four foot rice paper length remains unchanged, width 1/2)

Four foot square:69cm x 69cm (standard four foot rice paper length of 1/2, with no change in competition)

Four feet and three openings:69cm x 46cm (standard four foot rice paper length of 1/3, with no change in competition)

Four feet and four openings:69cm x 34cm (standard four foot rice paper length 1/2, width 1/2)

Six foot screen:180cm x 48cm (standard six feet)

Six feet wide open:180cm x 90cm (standard six feet)

Six feet and three openings:60cm x 90cm (standard six foot rice paper length 1/3, width unchanged)

Six foot couplet:180cm x 45cm (standard six foot rice paper length remains unchanged, width 1/2)

Six foot square:90cm x 90cm (standard six foot rice paper length of 1/2, with no change in competition)

Eight foot full open:248cm x 124cm (standard eight feet)

Eight foot screen:234cm x 53cm

Two feet in length:367cm x 144cm