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Landscape paintings of mountains and rivers piled on mountains at dawn and dusk

$ 1000

This grand Chinese ink landscape painting with a magic brush shows a magical natural scenery. The picture seems to capture a moment of tranquility and dynamics, creating a unique and moving visual experience.

The dense mountains and forests are looming amidst the clouds and mist, and the deep peaks give people an unreachable sense of holiness. The delicate brushstrokes depict the rough texture of the rocks and the gentle softness of the leaves and branches of the trees, creating a sense of space that is progressive. The distant mountains are shrouded in misty smoke, seemingly connecting heaven and earth, giving people an elusive reverie and yearning.

The mountain streams gurgled and flowed, reflecting the green trees on both sides. The winding path passes through the jungle, leading the viewer into this mysterious situation of reality and reality. Several quaint residential buildings looming in the distance add some vivid, natural and humanistic atmosphere.

The overall picture is based on deep and heavy ink color, dotted with elegant and agile water colors. Rocks of different sizes are tilted and stacked, and the trees are lush and lush, reflecting the vitality and eternal rhythm of nature. This work combines the techniques and aesthetic characteristics of Chinese ink and wash traditions, vividly presenting a primitive, deep and interesting landscape conception.

classification: Chinese painting

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