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Li Haoye Carver and Everything Prosperity

$ 1000

This leaf carving work of promoting peace and prosperity for all things has far-reaching implications and makes people feel happy.

On this green leaf, a big word "Home" and "Prosperity of Everything" appear. The sculptor cleverly used the structure and texture of the leaves to depict this auspicious word very vividly and naturally. The font is powerful and powerful, and every stroke is perfectly integrated with the texture of the leaves, as if it was born on the leaves.

A harmonious family and prosperity is the peaceful vision that Chinese people most aspire to. This work not only demonstrates the sculptor's superb skills, but also contains the yearning and pursuit of a better life. Family harmony and career success are the deepest prayers in everyone's heart. Leaf carving, a unique art form, vividly presents this peaceful artistic conception in front of your eyes, making people feel a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

Standing in front of this work, the viewer couldn't help but calm down, as if he felt the beauty of life. It reminds us that in our busy daily life, we must always cherish our families, manage our lives carefully, let our career and family harmoniously integrate, and welcome a better future. This is the positive and upward life force conveyed by leaf carving art.

classification: leaf carving

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